Thursday, March 31, 2011

Independent Film: Story is What Matters

Del Weston surrounded by storytellers at the AOF Fest
     Alright, it's time.  I've been waiting to start this blog for quite a while.  It seems that people have the impression that just because they have a camera and a mic, that they can be a filmmaker.  Every year I see literally thousands of films.  Not ten, not twenty, not a few hundred or almost a thousand, but thousands of films: shorts, videos, documentaries, experimental projects and more.  I watch sophisticated films, simple films, films from young filmmakers, old filmmakers, American, European, African and Asian  filmmakers, male and female filmmakers and few who are a little confused about that last designation, as well.

     What's my point?  My point is that filmmaking and writing to me are about story, story, story.  Let's pretend for a moment that a group of us were sitting around a fire, out in the woods, under the moonlight, wrapped up tight and warm in our blankets; holding marshmallows at the end of long sticks.  The group around the fire is very large, fifteen to twenty people.

      Suddenly one of the guests around the fire says, "I have something to say."  She stands up and begins her story.  She creates a mood, a place, a time and she creates her characters: compelling, strong, weak, beautiful, ugly, jealous, vicious and or kind.  The entire group quiets down to listen.  They stop every sound, there is no more nervous movement; coughs and comments are held back.  The speaker allows her audience to settle down as she effortlessly tells her tale.

      We all listen intently.  There is no screen, no HD Camera, no cool glide cam or intricate dolly system.  There is only the story teller, out in the wilderness, surrounded by her audience; telling her story and sharing her dreams.  We listen, without interruption, without doubt and in awe and anticipation of the next word spoken.  In short, we have just gone to church and before us stands our savior.

     That is what filmmaking is to me, it's story, it's character and it's quality.  Film is a religious experience: sometimes when you watch and especially when you make it and your prayers have been heard and your film becomes a reality. The purpose of this blog is to talk about my experiences as a filmmaker, a writer, a producer, a director and the creator of one of the fastest growing film festivals in the world - which has just made the leap to broadcast television.

      I am not against technology but I don't think that just because you spent twenty million dollars instead of twenty thousand dollars that your project is any better or any worse.  I want to talk about story and the process by which we tell our stories on film, digitally or on tape.  For me, how and where you tell your story is not as important as the story itself and I think a lot of us have forgotten about that.

      I hope you enjoy hearing about my experiences and sharing your own.  At present I am exec producing the film SUNNY and RAYRAY, The AOF Channel and The AOF Festival and my short SUICIDE ANNIE is currently on the festival circuit.  If I reach one person or ten million, the messages will still be the same.  Thanks for reading and to those of you who enjoy film please get to a theater to see the story as it should be seen and for those of you who make film, please, start with the story.



  1. Love it D!!! Couldn't agree with you more, the story is what matters most (its the only thing that really matters). You ROCK!!!! Wass

  2. One post and I'm hooked. Loving the blog, can't wait for more. Congrats!

  3. Thanks guys, I'm working on a feature and it has really been pure hell. But, that being said, we want to keep helping filmmakers make film, the thought is that if we can't do it, how can we expect you to? Pretty simple question, but can we answer it? We'll find out together as the movie and the blog continue, grow and hopefully succeed.

  4. Great words Del, this is what it's all about. Staying true. A lot of Independent Film festivals don't.

  5. The story is the most essential element in any film, a good foundation is needed, just like Del Weston has a good foundation of honesty, intelligence and integrity, a rare commodity. Great blog, lets keep going!
