Friday, August 12, 2011

Hey, Look There's a Story

     Alright, this story is pure fact.  Fact, not fiction, not made up, not imagined, pure, straight arrow, arrow straight facts.  It's no secret I run the AOF Festival, one of if not the best festival going as far as I'm concerned.  I can say that it's the best, not because I run it, but because of the people who make up the festival.  The filmmakers, the writers, the producers, actors, grips, dps, artists, the whole lot.  These people make my show what it is, so I can honestly say it's the best thing going.  I say it because they are the best storytellers I know, period. They put their money where their mouth is, they make their films, they tell their stories and they don't quit.   

     So, anyway I'm standing in the Academy Theater and I'm talking to a filmmaker from Florida and he asks me what's going on and I say that I'm looking for an actor who I was pretty sure wasn't coming but I was hoping would show up anyway.  So the filmmaker points and says, she's right over there.  I swear to God it's true, she made the trip, she's here.  I follow his arm and where he's pointing and she's standing right across the room, big as life and twice as beautiful.  Talent shining off her head like an Angel's glow and a small crowd standing around her. 
     Now, this crowd wasn't around her, they were 'around' her.  Not talking to her or looking at her just kind of there.  If you were part of the crowd, you wouldn't of noticed what I'm talking about, but standing fifty feet away, it looked like she had an entourage.

     I approached her and noticed that she was talking to someone so I took a seat on the stairs and waited my turn.  That is when the magic happened.  Sitting on those stairs; I noticed all of the people in the theater talking to one another and telling their stories.  Everyone was engaged.  They were talking about their films, their scripts, the money they were raising, the deal that just fell through and it wasn't until that moment, waiting on those stairs that I was able to really see what was going on.  All of these people, young, old, black, white, tall, short, male and female, telling stories and trying to get those stories made into movies.
     Now, the funny thing about the entertainment business is that it is known for the amount of pure bullshit that floats around, nothing new about that.  But this was different, it was amazing to see people who had spent their unemployment checks, savings, bonuses, vacation money to be at the AOF Festival on a beautiful Southern California night meeting with people who just might play a part in their future success.
     Stories were being told and it looked like a few deals were being made.  In fact, I was trying to make one myself.  See, I've got a few stories to tell and looking around that room, watching those people who had made the trip out to Pasadena from all across the states, from around the world; Germany, France, England, Austrailia, China, I realized one thing, they came to do more than just talk, they came to tell their stories.  They were there to share their experiences and make something happen.
     What I liked most about waiting to tell my story was that I had the chance to witness first hand people who were making the first step in getting their stories made.  The first step in that process was to show up and relate that story to someone else; see if the story has legs, if it works, if it's interesting, if it matters.  The stories are all around us, we just have to tell them.

     Now, it was my turn, this actress, this talented, beautiful actress who was waiting to hear about my story was all ears.  I told her my story and she told me hers.  Is it going to work out?  Who knows?  The important thing is telling the story and then doing whatever you can to move that story to the next level.
     Until next time, thanks for reading.

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